The labyrinth is a system of interconnecting cavities and canals found in the inner ear concerned with hearing and balance. When this area becomes inflammed then there is this condition called labyrinthitis. This condition is commonly seen following infection of the middle ear, whether viral or bacterial, respiratory infection, allergy, or intake of drugs that are toxic to the inner ear structures. One of these structures is the semicircular canals which is concerned with balance and equilibrium. When its function becomes disrupted, this will lead to the different signs and symptoms like dizziness and abnormal sensation of movement or vertigo. The vertigo is acute in onset. It is usually noted upon sudden rising from the bed or just by turning oneself while in bed. It is often referred to as a spinning sensation and often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. There is also lost of balance, hearing loss, and an intense ringing sound in the affected ear (tinnitus). Early treatment of a respiratory infection or a middle ear infection is needed for prevention of this condition. Treatment includes use of antibiotics if there is bacterial infection, antihistamines for allergy, and other medications for the different symptoms noted. Rest is very important during the illness. Failure to treat the condition might lead to spread of inflammation and although rare, might end in permanent hearing loss. |