This is a chronic inflammation of the group of sebaceous glands located on the eyelids collectively called the meibomian glands. The condition is usually bilateral and associated or preceded by blepharitis. It is caused by thickening of the oily secretions of these glands which leads to accumulation of secretions on the lid margins and favoring the growth of bacteria. The patient usually complains of a chronically red and irritated eyes. There is swelling and redness of the lid margins with prominence of the meibomian glands. A frothy conjunctival discharge may be seen and a soft yellowish material can be expressed from the glands. There may also be mild blurring of vision. The treatment consists of cleansing of the edges of the lids, warm compresses, and topical antibiotic theraphy. Maintaining lid hygiene and avoiding rubbing the eyes prevents one from having the condition. |